welcome to the interactive web presentation of bureaubureau two bearded guys doing primarily digital stuff. ■ All GamingWebDigital ArtsVideo ■ Philip Wagner Malte Buttjer About & Press Imprint
Bremer Bio Manufaktur Product design, online store and photography for homemade organic canned premium food. 2014-2-24
Das Wesen des Teils Bachelor Thesis about ontology, programming as a philosophical praxis and an compiler. 2013-4-18
▶ Bark Arcade is an online social payment platform for HTML5 games and an innovative technology to control your game with your mobile device. 2012-11-17
Starren Two pairs of eyes stare at each other. The one pair that blinks or closes its eyes looses. 2012-2-1
Reishunger is an new brand and onlineshop for the best rice in the world. We created the award winning website and shop. 2012-1-1
▶ Ugly Weather Killing culture generative music video experiment with music by Azoora featuring graciellita 2011-11-18
▶ Steamclash is a two player realtime strategy game, playable via Bluetooth. You are ordered to destroy the opponents defence and protect your own. The map reaches over both your own and your opponents iPhone or iPod Touch. 2011-9-1
▶ Studentenwerk Bremen Generative Logo Concept rejected studentenwerk bremen logo concept / generative design, generative gestaltung 2011-5-24
Garn Den Anfang macht das Geordnete. Hinter dem Geordnetem steht das Ungeordnete und beide zusammen bilden Eins. 2011-2-1